Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors)Mindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Finger Labyrinth – A Mindfulness Activity Using your fingers to wind through the labyrinth, you will discover the relaxing effect this fun activity will have on you. Using th...
Guest ContributorsMindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Reasons Why Whatever your reasons for taking the practice of meditation - whether it be to master your mind or heal the body - the success lies...
Guest ContributorsMindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Intelligent Breath The way we breathe gives away a lot about how we think and feel and also how we live our lives, a representation of our subconscious...
Guest ContributorsMindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Invisible Giant In practising pranayama, you learn to extend the length of the breath in a range of different techniques and eventually minimise the...
Guest ContributorsHealth & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors)Mindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Intelligent Breath: Part 1 You see our breath is a very powerful indicator of how we feel and how we function and in fact it is said, ‘the quality of the breat...